Imagine… It is the Olympic games. An athlete who has spent a lifte time preparing for the triathlon looks out across the crowd. A news reporter for their country asks, “How confident are you feeling about today?” The athlete looks across their competitors and states, “I will try.”

The majority of us know the WWE and their display of hunger for the win. Olympic athletes and competitors have a hunger to achieve and to perform at their best. There is no TRY there is only WILL.

During my own coaching sessions this past week, we were discussing my goals to be more cognitively flexible. We were going on and on. The conversation began to turn to things that I was not 100% sure of or comfortable with but I knew were achievable. “I will try that.” I said. “Your speech is very noncommittal. Did you ever notice that you say ‘try’ alot?” I sat back in my seat. It was true. I did use non committal language especially with tasks that I felt were uncomfortable. I gave myself an out with my words.

Here were my agreed upon tasks.

  1. Invite a coworker that I have been struggling with building a positive relationship with out to coffee.
  2. Try using clay to make my jewelry instead of only gemstones and wood.

Here is my challenge for you. Find something that in the past has made you feel uncomfortable and do it! No using the word try. Set a time and a day. Make the goal solid that way there is no way that it can fall through. See how much more flexible you can become. All the while spend the time using the word “try” sparingly. Only use it when it is truly necessary. Be honest with your intentions. If it does not feel right, then say so. If you won’t do it, then say so.

Go on! Give it an honest “will”!

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